Helping residents with physical or mental health disabilities find work and keep a job while taking care of their health

Individual Placement and Support in Primary Care (IPSPC) helps residents with physical or mental health disabilities find work and keep a job while taking care of their health. You will have access to a personal Employment Specialist, who will provide you with rapid job search assistance to help you find employment that works for you.

Who can access the service?

Residents in Waltham Forest with physical or mental health disabilities defined by the Equality Act 2010 can apply. You must live in Waltham Forest and have worked for six months or be interested in working.

We can help you with the following:

  • Rapid job search tailored to your ambition
  • Personalised job search based on your skills and abilities
  • Benefits advice
  • Tailored CV writing
  • Self-employment advice
  • Working closely with you and your employer to ensure your workplace meets your needs.
  • Interview coaching and tips.

Ready to explore employment support? Start by registering your interest now.
We will call you back within 48 hours to discuss your eligibility.